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Amy Smith

Support us on Indiegogo!

Eatwell has launched on Indiegogo! If you are interested in knowing more about Eatwell; have any suggestions; want to contribute to the campaign, or to pre-order Eatwell sets at early-bird prices, please visit our campaign for details. We are also looking for media coverage, anyone who knows someone who may be interested, please spread the word. Please check:各位親愛的親朋好友 Eatwell 今天終於在集資網站 Indiegogo.com上線 希望大家喜歡這隻影片 有興趣可以去看看 有什麼建議可以跟我說 有沒有認識媒體朋友可以幫忙宣傳歐 希望活動可以順利進行 ! (鞠躬)

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