Due to popular demand, we have added two new special perks! For those of you that want to support us and/or our cause but don’t need an Eatwell set foryourself, we’re introducing two new perks to donate a tableware set directly to those in need.
NEW* PERK 1 We appreciate your charity and want to reward your good intentions. For every $75 contribution, we will donate an 8-piece tableware set ($110 retail value) in your name to an organization involved in caring for people with Dementia. You will also receive a postcard that identifies the organization that will benefit from your generous donation! NEW* PERK 2 And for those of you who want your cake and eat it too, for every $150 contribution, we will send you an 8-piece tableware set and donate an additional 8-piece tableware set (combined $220 value) in your name to an organization involved in caring for people with Dementia. You will also receive a postcard that identifies the organization that will benefit from your generous donation! There’s only 10 days left in the campaign, and your continued support is appreciated! Please continue to help us spread the word as we approach the finish line! Campaign at igg.me/at/eatwellset
針對失智協會/安養機構的方案出爐了! 謝謝大家對這個募資計劃的的協助與指導,這幾天我們跟一些失智協會/安養機構取得聯繫決定堆出新的方案,以下跟大家報告新增的兩個特別項目。 *新項目一 對於本身不需使用Eatwell,有愛心且贊同我們理念的朋友, 將能以低於市價 (USD$110)的價格 USD$75 認購一套Eatwell 八件組。我們將會用您的名字(若為匿名請著名),將您的愛心遞交給失智協會,寄送後會用明信片通知您收件單位,感謝您的捐助。 *新項目二對於本身想要購買此產品也願意做公益的朋友,將能讓您以低於市價(USD$220)的價格 USD$150,購買兩套Eatwell八件組, 一套將計送到您府上,另一套我們將會用您的名字(若為匿名請著名),將您的愛心遞交給失智協會,寄送後會用明信片通知您收件單位,感謝您的捐助。剩下短短的十天募資計劃即將結束,感謝您一直以來的支持,希望大家能在最後持續關心這個募資計劃,讓它圓滿結束。 募資專案:igg.me/at/eatwellset