We are here to share exciting news regarding Eatwell joins the Access+Ability traveling exhibition, which will be displayed at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh from June 1 through Sep 8, 2019 and travel onto the Nelson Atkins Museum in Kansas City, where it will be shown from October 25, 2019 through February 9, 2020. We are very excited that the exhibition has garnered so much enthusiasm, excellent publicity, both in ink and television and international attention.
Get an Eatwell set? https://www.eatwellset.com/shop-c1f9z Follow up with us/ like our facebook page/ subscribe through our site https://www.eatwellset.com “Equal access is a human rights issue affecting over one billion people with disabilities globally. But too often products made for people with different physical, cognitive and sensory abilities have been ugly, feebly designed and stigmatizing. They’ve been developed not by designers but by engineers. And engineers haven’t always taken their cues from people who have disabilities, the ones who know best what they need and want. The “Access+Ability,” exhibition makes plain why design matters. It points toward a generational change in thinking, not just about designing for the difference but about diversity and inclusion. Make a specialty item easier to use — and at the same time, fun, cool and beautiful — and that item may be embraced and used by all. The real issue isn’t disability. It’s choice. “ – The new york times.
#Equalaccess #humanrights #disabilities #physicalimpairment #cognitiveimpairment #sensoryabilities #AccessAbility #exhibition #diversity #nytimes #Flyease #Nike #Superflex #AuraPowersuit #Fuseproject #prostheticleg #AllelesDesignStudio